IR consultant with Mandiant
Guy Alfassi
Guy has been in Information Security for 27 years, working as a security architect, consultant and compliance expert. His experience working for consulting companies and security vendors spans many information security and networking fields. He has been with Forescout in various roles for 14 years, actively contributing to its product, technology and sales teams.
Artur Barankiewicz
Mariusz BELKA

NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence
Literature translator, writer, manager, civil servant. She is a graduate of the Warsaw University (French Philology, Business Administration) and of the MBA program of the University of Warsaw and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Prior to her civil servant carrier, for 15 years she had worked as manager in Polish media (deputy CEO in one of the leading dailies publishing groups and deputy director of Channel One of Polskie Radio). As civil servant, she worked first in the Polish Ministry of Transport where she was in charge of the EU affairs, and then, in the Polish Ministry of National Defense where she was director of Public Affairs Department. She was responsible for creating StratCom structure in the Polish MOD, and represented Poland in the Steering Committee of the NATO STRATCOM COE. Her big passion is literature and she has been pursuing it by writing books (mainly for children) and translating French and English literature (more than 20 books published in Poland). Privately, married, with three kids whom she considers as her biggest achievement.
Warsaw University of Technology
Vladimir BOBOR

Błażej Boczula
Obecnie pracuje jako inżynier bezpieczeństwa specjalizując się w integracji infrastruktury bezpieczeństwa, budowaniu systemów monitorowania, wykrywania oraz automatycznego i półautomatycznego reagowania na incydenty w globalnych infrastrukturach dużej skali. Interesuje się rozwojem i praktycznymi implikacjami całościowych, złożonych, wieloczynnikowych modeli w obszarze obronności. Kilkunastoletnie doświadczenie w obszarze IT zdobywał jako wdrożeniowiec, administrator, analityk, specjalista ds. bezpieczeństwa. Ostatnio zajmował się zabezpieczaniem myśl naukowej oraz własności intelektualnej w newralgicznych obszarach badań takich jak nanobioinżynieria oraz genomika.

Marcin DUDEK
IT security expert, member of ComCERT.PL Team, the team that delivers IT incident response related services. Military University of Technology student, head of the cybersecurity students association, actively participating in the Capture The Flag contests within the association’s team. Twice awarded for reporting security vulnerabilities in Microsoft products. He got a team award for the best decision document in a cyber-conflict case during the Cyber 9/12 Europe contest, organized by Atlantic Council.

Michał Duszyński
Dyrektor IT związany z Centrum Medycznym Enel-Med S.A. od 2008 roku. Zaczynający w strukturach Enel-Med jako Administrator Systemów IT, poznając kompleksowe działanie spółki i wdrażający wiele procesów informatycznych. Związany z szeroko rozumianą informatyką od ponad 15 lat. W Enel-Med odpowiada za pełen proces informatyzacji spółki i placówek medycznych od warstwy sieciowej do aplikacyjnej, umożliwiającej świadczenie usług B2C i B2B. W zakresie bezpieczeństwa ściśle współpracujący z ABI w Enel-Med.

Kamil Gapiński
Cybersecurity Foundation
Graduate in International Economics faculty from Warsaw School of Economics. Since 2013 he has been taking part in several international projects regarding either cyber security area or national security as a whole. Twice he served as a project assistant in the international Warsaw Security Forum conference (2014, 2015). In 2015, while holding position of Cyber Security Programme Coordinator in Casimir Pulaski Foundation, he initiated research programme „[cyber]securing Ukrainian Critical Infrastructure”, which was granted by International Visegrad Fund. He also worked as business communication executive.
Jarosław Góra
Specialist in intellectual property and new technology law at Ślązak, Zapiór i Wspólnicy Advocates And Legal Counsels Limited Liability Partnership.
He has experience in providing legal services to entities in the creative industries, where intellectual property rights are an important part of business. Works with creators and artists, filmmakers, cultural institutions and event organizers, architectural offices, interactive design offices and software houses, software developers, web developers, and other IT players. Legal co-ordinator in the field of permanent, comprehensive legal service of entities from the IT industry. Legal adviser on matters related to security i ssues and law on the Internet. Editor in Intellectual Property and New Technologies blog.
Steve Gregory
Maciej Greala
Cyprian Gutkowski

Independent researcher
Zuzanna Hałemejko
Manager, EY Fraud Investigation and Dispute Services eDiscovery expert at EY
She is cooperating with Polish and international law firms and EY teams and supervises collections, processing and organization of electronic data review as well as preparation of electronic evidence for companies and law firms. Results of these procedures were used multiple times as evidence in fraud and corruption cases, as well as during incident response procedures.
She is a lecturer at post-graduate studies and leads courses on conducting investigations with the use of eDiscovery methods.
Rob Huikeshoven
Aleksander Jagosz
Główne obszary jego zainteresowań to wsparcie sprzedaży oraz projektowanie systemów bezpieczeństwa sieciowego, bazujące na zaawansowanych rozwiązaniach takich firm, jak: Cisco, Check Point, Juniper, F5 czy Palo Alto Networks. Obecnie Aleksander pełni funkcję kierownika Wydziału Integracji Rozwiązań Security w Integrated Solutions.
Aleksander Jagosz posiada liczne certyfikaty branżowe, między innymi: Cisco Certified Security Professional, Check Point Certified Security Expert, F5 Certified System Engineer , FireEye System Engineer I Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer.
David Janson
VP Sales, UK & Europe
David has 19 years’ experience in software sales and sales leadership roles, of which nearly 10 years have been in the Security and Cyber Security industries. During this time, he has helped many organisations to secure their employees and their data. Most recently, at PhishMe, he has been showing customers how to protect their employees from human-targeted attacks.
Marcin Kaczmarek
M.Sc. of electronics, Electronic Department (2 Faculties), Technical University of Wroclaw. For over 20 years in IT, starting from SysAdm and NetAdm position. For over 15 years in IT security area, for 12 years in IT forensics. His professional experience includes work for IBM GSDC, Bank Zachodni WBK, financial groups. Active member of CSIRT Team at Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing at Technical University of Wroclaw. Now working as a senior security consultant assistant director at EY Poland.
For over 4 years expert witness at Regional Court Wroclaw and Regional Court Swidnica. Cooperates with police and other agencies in the area of IT forensic, data analysis, multimedia data recovery and correction. Member of ISACA, ISSA and OWASP, staff and lecturer newly created Cyber Security faculty at Electronics Department at Technical University of Wroclaw. He composes and performs electronic music.
Piotr Kalbarczyk
Dyrektor Biura Bezpieczeństwa Informatycznego w Departamencie Bezpieczeństwa, PKO Bank Polski
Piotr Kalbarczyk od ponad 16 lat związany jest z branżą finansową, w ramach swoich obowiązków zajmował się różnymi aspektami zabezpieczania procesów biznesowych. Od czterech lat kieruje w PKO Banku Polskim zespołem odpowiedzialnym między innymi za wdrażanie standardów i systemów bezpieczeństwa, monitorowanie bezpieczeństwa systemu informatycznego banku, przeciwdziałanie cyberatakom oraz zarządzanie incydentami bezpieczeństwa. Jest członkiem Grupy Zarządzającej Cyberbezpieczeństwem Banków Bankowego Centrum Cyberbezpieczeństwa powstałego z inicjatywy Związku Banków Polskich. Jest absolwentem Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania – The Polish Open University w Warszawie, a także studiów MBA – Oxford Brookes University.
Lawyer in Rödl & Partner
He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration and the College of Foreign Languages at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. He was a scholar at Rennes University in France. He specialized in data protection and new technologies, mergers and acquisitions, commercial law, corporate law, real estate law and contract law. He participates in various law and technology projects related to IT contracts as well as protection and processing of personal data. Mostly for such sectors as medical, music, recruitment, production and distribution. He has also been a lecturer on many conferences, seminars or trainings especially connected with personal data protection. He’s been working in Rödl & Partner since 2014. He speaks fluent English and French. Author of numerous publications.

Adrian Kapczyński
Polish Information Processing Society
A passionate in information technology, for nearly 20 years exploring ICT security issues, author of over 100 publications in this field. Academic lecturer, social worker, project manager, strategic consultant, trainer, auditor.
Leader of the Man-Machine Interaction Research Team at Silesian University of Technology. Since 2001 he has been involved in the design and implementation of strong authentication systems, with particular emphasis on biometric systems. Member of the Committee No. 309 of the Polish Committee for Standardization. Member of the biometrics group at the Polish Bank Association. The initiator of the conference dedicated to the subject of strong authentication and the founder of the vortal devoted to authentication. Member of the Board of the Upper Silesian Branch of Polish Information Processing Society (PIPS), chairman of the Board of IT Future Section at PIPS, member of the Board of Information Security Section at PIPS, member of the PIPS Chamber of Experts and member of the PIPS Scientific Council.
Follow me on twitter: @adriank_pti
Johaness Kaspar Clos
Kaspar Clos studied computer science at TU Darmstadt. After his diploma thesis on verifiable internet voting at TUD he started to work as a network engineer. Kaspar now works for CERT-Bund’s covering a broad array of topics. Tasks include CERT-Bund’s international engagement as well as the improvement of IH and information sharing processes.
Marco Klockenkämper
Magnet Forensics
Marco Klockenkämper has previously held roles in Technical Support, Support Engineering, and Inside Sales where he managed teams to improve product workflows and handled customer support requests. Marco currently works as a Sales Engineer at Magnet Forensics for the DACH region, consulting with the Research & Development and Sales teams to communicate customer feedback to improve the capabilities of Magnet AXIOM.
Michał Kowalski
Programmer, technology enthusiast & homegrown Linux evangelist. Fan of Uncle Bob and Software Craftsmanship approach. If he could, he would write a unit test even for this description. He combines experience with working on web applications, financial systems, and Big Data processing with the challenges of the security team at Consdata. Actively involved in OWASP meetings for some time. Graduate of the Poznań University of Technology and a beginning author of the technical blog.

Wojciech Kubiak
Cybercom Poland
He has 10 years of experience in network administration and IT systems, and very good knowledge of IT security, web application programming (PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CMS, etc.), IT infrastructure security, and IDS / IPS problems. He gained a lot of experience in conducting penetration tests. In Cybercom Poland responsible for penetration testing, IT infrastructure security testing, IDS / IPS systems. It has ASV (PCI DSS) certifications.
Marcin Kulawik
Specialist in the Mediarecovery computer forensics laboratory.
His main duties include data analysis, licensing of intellectual property computer software and cases related to offenses against business. Author of nearly 350 forensic expertises. Participant in training courses and courses organized by US and German specialist companies, among others. X-Ways and Guidance Software (EnCase). He is a certified internal auditor of the Information Security Management System in accordance with ISO 27001. He has repeatedly participated in securing computer data during operations performed by public security and public safety authorities. Has a personal security clearance authorizing access to classified information marked with a confidential clause.
Mariusz Litwin
Konsultant, Dział Zarządzania Ryzykiem Nadużyć EY
Borys Łącki
Mirosław MAJ
Cybersecurity Foundation
Miroslaw Maj has more than 15 years of experience in IT and the IT security sector. For almost 10 years he has lead the CERT Polska team – the first Polish incident handling team which plays the role of national level team. In 2010 he founded the Cybersecurity Foundation and he became its first director. Since September 2010 he has become the expert on the CIIP of the Polish Government Center for Security. In 2011 he also became a co-founder of the first Polish independent CERT – ComCERT.PL. He is the author of papers on security statistics and other subjects from the security area. He is involved in international cooperation between CSIRT teams as a member of the Trusted Introducer team as well as in formal European projects related to security issues (standards, statistics, information sharing, fighting with an illegal content, building security awareness and establishing new CSIRT teams). He is the co-author of many ENISA publications including CERT exercises and papers on improving the CERT coordination. Miroslaw Maj organized four editions of the national level cyber exercises in Poland – Cyber-EXE Polska – for critical infrastructure, telecommunication and banking sectors. He has presented his works at many international conferences including a number of presentations at the FIRST conferences.
Follow Mirek on Twitter
Marcin Marciniak
Inżynier systemów bezpieczeństwa/dziennikarz
Jest jednym z niewielu inżynierów systemowych, który jest jednocześnie dziennikarzem. Przez ponad dekadę prowadził dział technologii i bezpieczeństwa Computerworld, jest autorem wielu artykułów, badań i opracowań (bezpieczeństwo, technologie mobilne), był członkiem rady programowej kilku konferencji bezpieczeństwa (w tym konferencja SEMAFOR) organizowanych we współpracy z ISSA Polska oraz ISACA Warsaw Chapter. Jako inżynier prowadził działania mające na celu wykrywanie i usuwanie złośliwego oprogramowania w firmach, opracował i wprowadził założenia polityki bezpieczeństwa w kilku firmach z sektora MSP. Pracował jako specjalista do spraw infrastruktury sieciowej u jednego z operatorów, gdzie odpowiadał za działanie i bezpieczeństwo usług głosowych tego operatora. Aktywnie prowadzi działania mające na celu poprawę stanu bezpieczeństwa polskich organizacji, jest certyfikowanym inżynierem rozwiązań różnych producentów. Członek ISSA Polska. Obecnie pracuje jako inżynier systemowy w firmie Versim S.A., jest równocześnie dziennikarzem technologicznym w ITWiz, gdzie zajmuje się tematyką bezpieczeństwa IT.
Marcin Mergo
Graduated from Poznań University of Technology, for years now has been involved with developing software for the financial sector. Over the course of his career Marcin has been creating systems for largest banks in Poland, including both corporate and retail ones. His experience also includes delivering solutions for energy companies and the public sector. Long term employee, and a member of security team at Consdata. Co-organizer and speaker at OWASP meetings. Common sense enthusiast, aspiring game developer.
Marcin Marczewski
Prezes Zarządu i architekt odporności biznesu w Resilia Sp. z o.o. specjalizujący się w dziedzinach zarządzania ryzykiem operacyjnym, bezpieczeństwem informacji, ciągłością działania, sytuacjami kryzysowymi z 15 letnim doświadczeniem. Zrealizował kilkadziesiąt projektów doradczych dla międzynarodowych korporacji, jak również małych i średnich firm w zakresie wdrożenia polityk bezpieczeństwa danych osobowych, planów ciągłości działania, systemów kontroli wewnętrznej, programów zarządzania ryzykiem. Realizuje audyty, wdrożenia, szkolenia oraz wspiera Klientów w zakresie koordynacji działań w obszarze bezpieczeństwa. Kierownik projektu zakończonego pierwszą w Polsce pełną certyfikacją systemu zarządzania ciągłością działania wg normy ISO 22301:2012. Wykładowca na Wydziałach Zarządzania, Inżynierii Lądowej Politechniki Warszawskiej oraz Collegium Civitas prowadzący zajęcia „Zarządzanie systemami informacyjnymi i ich bezpieczne stosowanie”. Kierownik studiów w zakresie Cyberbezpieczeństwa na Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego. Akredytowany trener PECB Kanada współpracujący z firmami szkoleniowymi Traino, Compendium i Customized Training Solutions. Prowadzący moduł IV Akademii POLRISK „Certyfikowany Zawodowy Menedżer Ryzyka” – pt. „Zarządzanie ciągłością działania i zarządzanie kryzysowe”. Prywatnie pasjonat nowych technologii w zakresie wykorzystania business intelligence w zarządzaniu cyberbezpieczeństwem i komunikacji mobilnej w zarządzaniu kryzysowym.
Robert Michalski
Inżynier bezpieczeństwa Symantec
Dave Monnier is a Fellow and the Director of Threat Intelligence and Outreach at Team Cymru
Understanding that real-world security involves both technology and business considerations, Dave helps organizations to fully consider their security and policy decisions in real-world terms. Dave has traveled the world presenting security ideas and solving organizations hardest problems. With over fifteen years of experience in a wide-range of technologies, Dave brings a wealth of knowledge and understanding to every situation. Dave began his career performing UNIX and Linux administration in academic and high performance computing environments where he helped build some of the most powerful computational systems of their day. subsequent to systems administration Dave moved into Internet security, having served as a Lead Security Engineer for a Big ten University and later helped to launch the Research and Education Networking ISAC, part of the formal U.S. ISAC community. Dave joined Team Cymru in 2007 where he has served as their Senior Engineer and later as a Security Evangelist. In 2010, Dave was granted the title of Team Cymru Fellow, a highest honor of Team Cymru. Dave has managed multiple teams as part of Team Cymru ranging from Engineering, Outreach, Threat Intelligence, Sales, and Marketing.
Brana Nikolajevic
Sales professional with 12 years of sales experience in Central & Eastern Europe. Prior to his sales career, Brana spent a number of years in IT in various positions. He holds BSc in Mathematics and BSc in IT Management.
Niezależny badacz bezpieczeństwa
Quinn Norton is a writer who likes to hang out in the dead end alleys and rough neighborhood of the Internet, where bad things can happen to defenseless little packets – they are also the places poetries and freedoms are born. She started studying hackers in 1995, after a wasted youth of Usenet and BBSing. She covers subjects from science and technology and law to social media and society, but she always comes back to hackers.
Senior Manager leading EY’s EMEIA FSO Cyber Intelligence practice
IT security expert, member of ComCERT.PL Team, the team that delivers IT incident response related services. He has participated in a number of important IT security undertakings, such as malware analysis lab design for a public administration, participated in the preparation of the exercise training materials for the security response teams, commissioned by ENISA. Member of the Cyber Europe 2014 winning team (ComCERT.PL), among the 100 teams from across Europe.
Paweł Olber
Higher School of Police in Szczytno
Łukasz Olejnik
Independent security and privacy researcher
Lukasz completed his Ph.D. at INRIA (Grenoble, France), where he was a member of the Privatics team. He worked at Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, CERN and University College London. He is affiliated at Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy.. He is also working on the ePrivacy regulation at the European Parliament as a technology policy advisor. His site is
Legal Expert on Cybersecurity, The Cybersecurity Foundation
A Legal Advisor with 20 years’ experience, admitted to the Warsaw Bar of Legal Advisors. Graduated from the Faculty of Law at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Artur specializes in information and communication technology law (ICT). He advises clients from the Internet and telecommunication sectors, particularly on telecommunication services, e-commerce, data security and internet domains. He is an expert at the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) in regulatory, privacy and data protection. He cooperates with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and in the past has cooperated with the Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries (CENTR). He is an active participant in International Telecommunication Union (ITU) meetings and counsel to the Cyber Security Foundation. He was also a member of the Telecommunication Operators Group and the E-Media Committee at The Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIT). He is also a co-founder of the Domain Names Arbitration Court at PIIT, where he headed the legal works and a co-founder of domain case law at the Arbitration Court at the Polish Chamber of Commerce (KIG). Artur cooperates with the Foundation for Cybersecurity and the Kościuszko Institute in Kraków on a daily basis. Previously, Artur worked as a general legal counsel at the Research and Academic Computer Network (NASK), representing the PL Register in Poland and international organizations.
Artur is the author of numerous speeches, panel sessions, seminars and publications in Poland and abroad, mainly focusing on new technologies law including internet domain names, telecommunications law and IP protection. He has many years of expertise in relations with international organisations, for whom he has prepared studies and reports as well as verifying documents. He has participated in ongoing projects of working groups.

Kamil Piętak
PhD in Computer Science, IT Systems Analyst and Architect, Didactics and Lecturer at AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow.
Edvinas Pranculis
Skybox Security, Business and Security Manager, Central Eastern Europe, Russia, the Caucasus & Central Asia (CEECCA)
Alexander Raczyński
Systems Engineer, Forcepoint
Alexander Raczyński is a Systems Engineer at Forcepoint. He is responsible for technical support of Forcepoint solutions during the whole sales process in Central and Eastern Europe. Alexander represents the company at customer site; he works close with Websense channel partners and participates at many IT Security events. Alexander Raczyński has studied Computer Science at the University of Paderborn (Germany). His experience is based on many years of work for many IT security Companies in Poland and abroad.
Analityk I linii SOC , Biuro Zarządzania Usługami Bezpieczeństwa Exatel
Doświadczony praktyk, z branżą IT związana od 2009 roku. Zainteresowanie tematyką IT Security to wynik wieloletnich obserwacji złych praktyk w pracy użytkowników i administratorów. Obecnie analityk SOC, na co dzień zajmuje się wyszukiwaniem anomalii, mogących świadczyć o działalności złośliwego oprogramowania.
Mariusz Rybicki
Kierownik Projektu, Departament Obsługi Klienta i Wsparcia Sprzedaży Exatel
Specjalista z doświadczeniem w branży IT zdobywanym od 1992 roku. Prowadził duże projekty wdrożeniowe z zakresu sprzętowego i programowego. Z bezpieczeństwem bezpośrednio związany od pięciu lat. Organizator pierwszych rozgrywek ligi Counter-Strike w Polsce – po godzinach zapalony rowerzysta
Faculty of Law and Administration
Właściciel firmy, asystent w Pracowni Informatyki Prawniczej na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji UG, autor publikacji naukowych i popularnonaukowych z zakresu ochrony danych osobowych i bezpieczeństwa informacyjnego. Pracuje nad rozprawą doktorską z zakresu ochrony prywatności w fazie projektowania w kontekście powszechnych standardów bezpieczeństwa, przeprowadza audyty ochrony danych osobowych oraz audyty bezpieczeństwa aplikacji webowych, specjalizuje się w tworzeniu rozwiązań pisanych w języku Python.
Manager zespołu (CCERT) Cyber Crime Expertise and Response Team w Globalnym Centrum Bezpieczeństwa dla grupy ING
Absolwentka Politechniki Śląskiej, posiadaczka certyfikatów CISSP, CISM, CISA oraz kilku innych technicznych. Obecnie manager zespołu (CCERT) Cyber Crime Expertise and Response Team w Globalnym Centrum Bezpieczeństwa dla grupy ING, z którym związana jest od 7 lat. Karierę w branży IT Security rozpoczęła jako analityk incydentów bezpieczeństwa IT, później odpowiedzialna za budowanie globalnej roli CERT w ING. Zajmuje się zagadnieniami cyber response, responsible-disclosure oraz analizą podatności.
Jarosław SORDYL
Department Head, Department of Cyber Security – CERT PSE

Security Culture Initiative / TR&IS Forum Wrocław
Michał Tatar
Specialist in mobile device analysis (Mobile Forensics).
Raphaël VINOT
Raphaël Vinot is a security researcher at the Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL) since 2012. Raphaël wants to increase the IT consciousness of the human beings populating the internet in order to make it safer for everyone. His day job is a mixture of forensic and malware analysis with a lot of Python on top of it to glue all the pieces together. He loves sharing and thinks everyone should contribute to open source projects.
Follow Raphaël on Twitter
Peter Warnke
Magnet Forensics
Head of ISSP Labs
Patrick ZANDL
Karolina Ząbek
Cybercom Poland
A graduate of Warsaw School of Economics, faculty: Project Management, Finance and Accounting and IT Management Systems. A specialist with 5-year experience in IT consulting and IT sales with a reference to cybersecurity and cloud solutions, software development as well as IT developers’ outsourcing. She has worked in the SCRUM and ITIL methodology.
Instrat Foundation
Graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics. President of the Board at Instrat Foundation think-tank and author at WeTheCrowd digital medium. His research focuses on digital economy, international power structures, systemic changes and innovations.
Remigiusz Żuchowski
Ministry of National Defence
Płk Remigiusz Żuchowski jest absolwentem Wyższej Szkoły Oficerskiej w Toruniu. Służbę rozpoczął w 1998 roku w 9 Brygadzie Kawalerii Pancernej. Dwukrotny uczestnik misji w Iraku. Pełnił służbę w strukturze Eurokorpusu w Strasbourgu a także w Sztabie Generalnym Wojska Polskiego. W tym roku został wyznaczony na stanowisko w Dowództwie Wojsk Obrony Terytorialnej. Płk Żuchowski zajmuje się teorią i praktyką analizy przestrzeni informacyjnej od 2009 roku.